Selasa, 09 September 2008
Repliee R-1: A robot that does not fear the valley inexplicable

Senin, 08 September 2008
Silicon Valley turns on alarms
The crisis that has been unleashed in the United States seems to have no end in sight. Every day we see how the actions of giants like Apple, Google, Microsoft, IBM, etc., may continue to fall to a level never imagined. That is the reason why Sequoia Capital, one of the best-known investors in the world and especially in Silicon Valley, has focused on the emergency alarm notification all companies in its portfolio to prepare for the worst. The company yesterday CEOs and entrepreneurs to give them a welcome message very clear: "RIP: Good Times", the good times are over. ™ say that this kind of meeting is not very frequent, since the last such operation was exploded when the bubble of the dot-back in 2000, so that we can imagine where he goes to the cause. In particular, it was noted startups, is that companies, the newly born, to whom they were given directions to begin to reduce costs by anywhere, with the aim of addressing a crisis which may last years. It seems that Silicon Valley was about to receive a severe blow, but we will have to wait to see whether it is for KO or just a drop more.
Minggu, 07 September 2008
Yahoo! Web Analytics at first glance (secret)
FayerWayer was secretly playing with this new service for several hours with pizza in hand, while it is cooled, how exciting the service.
It really is on another level. Of course, even for a different level of customers.
Yahoo! Web Analytics is much more powerful and flexible than Google Analytics for a simple reason: Their approach is designed for small to large businesses and corporations, the real-time information about everything that's happening on your site.
"Real Time" is a big advantage. In the demonstration, we have seen how a user is walking into a news site, follow all his steps, we have seen, what I read articles, links and strengthened and how much time remained stuck on a particular page. Then we saw a summary of behavior. Remarkable.
Real-time profile of a user's behavior is not necessarily something new, but the way Yahoo! Web Analytics interprets it through detailed graphs and summaries of action is what makes it.
This service was born from the acquisition last May of index tools from Yahoo! and it offers a company in an initial stage. Soon also seek to ensure the rest of us end consumers to see and understand what they are doing these 3 users in our personal blogs
Sabtu, 06 September 2008
Celebrations and ceremonies at wine festivals in Germany
Jumat, 05 September 2008
Kamis, 04 September 2008
Rabu, 03 September 2008
Selasa, 02 September 2008
Cultura de Alemania
Senin, 01 September 2008
Culture of Germany
Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008
Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008
Faiths professed by the Arabs
Before the advent of Islam, most Arabs professed a religion characterized by the worship of many deities, among whom were Hubal, Wadd, Al-Lat, Manat and Uzza, while some tribes had converted to Christianity or Judaism and some small groups, the "upright [1]," had rejected polytheism in favor of a poorly defined monotheism. The kingdoms Christian Arabs were the most prominent Gasana (southern Syria) [2] and laquemeda (southern Iraq) [3]. With the conversion of the kingdoms himyaritas (southern Arabia) [4] to Judaism in the late fourth century d. C., the elite of another prominent Arab kingdom, the kinditas (central Arabia) [5], became a vassal of the first, becoming apparent to Judaism (at least in part). With the expansion of Islam, most Arabs are quickly became Muslims, and pre-Islamic polytheistic traditions disappeared.
Currently, most Arabs are Muslims. Sunni Muslims dominate in most Arab lands, and overwhelmingly in North Africa. Shiite Muslims predominate in Bahrain, southern Iraq and adjacent areas of Saudi Arabia, southern Lebanon, parts of Syria, northern Yemen, southern Iran and the region of Oman called al-Batinah. The small Druze community, belonging to a little visible branch of Islam, is also Arabic.
The best estimates of the number of Arab Christians vary depending on the definition of "Arab" used but, in any case are significant between the total number of Arabs and fall far short of the numbers of Arab Muslims. Today, Christians account for only 9.2% of the population of the Middle East. In Lebanon reach 39% of the population in Syria account for between 10% and 15%, a 3.8% in Palestine and in Israel, Arab Christians constitute 2.1% of the total (about 10% of Israeli Arab population). In Egypt, up 6% of the population. Most of the Arabs of North America, South America and Australia (about two thirds) are Arab Christians, in particular, from Syria, Palestine and Lebanon.
The Jews from Arab countries (mostly Yemenis and Mizrahi) are not currently considered as Arabs. The sociologist Philip Mendes says that before the anti-Jewish actions in the decades of 30 and 40 of the twentieth century, especially the Iraqi Jews "were themselves as Arabs of Jewish faith rather than as a distinct race or nationality" . Before the advent of the term "Mizrahi [6]," the term "Arab Jew" (Yehudim 'Áravim, יהודים ערבים) was sometimes used to describe Jews from the Arab world. That term is rarely used today. The few Jews remaining in Arab countries residing in Morocco and Tunisia. Between the late 40 and early 60's of the twentieth century, from the creation of the state of Israel, most of those Jews fled or were expelled from their countries of birth and are currently concentrated in Israel . Some emigrated to France (where they form the largest Jewish community, still higher than the number of other European Jews), germany and a few others to the United States (see Jewish exodus from Arab lands).
Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008
The term is also used in incorrectly, when referring to any person who is settled in this area, because there are indigenous peoples who do not have the Arabic language as their mother tongue, for example the Maghreb Berbers, the Copts Egypt, the Assyrian Chaldean in Iraq, speaking Aramaic in Syria or Lebanon that will draw upon the existing substrate fenico the invasion and the Arab-Islamic conquest.
The term Arab is also a subject of ideological dispute: Many members of certain ethnic groups whose mother tongue Arabic - as the Christian Maronites, the Copts in Egypt or the Arabic-speaking Jews - reject this definition, preferring a less based on language but on characteristics such as religion restricted or common history and shared.
One last question to the oldest meaning of the term. The root Semitic reference [ʿ-rb] (which probably originated the word Jews) means "move" [1] and then those who originally suggested revising it to a nomadic culture [2]. The Arabs were originally the Bedouin, certified since ancient times more distant in Arabian Peninsula.
Etnonimo to the sense of us already the first proof of literary Arabic term, present in the Assyrian Chronicles, where record participation nell'853 BC Gindibu of Arbaya (Gindib Arabic) to the battle of Qarqar, allied with the ruler of Damascus Aramean Im-hydro (which is mentioned in the Bible as Bar-Hadad) to revolt against the Assyrian king Šalmaneser III. Later, in the century BC, the same Chronicles reminiscent of the insurgency Zabībē, "Queen of the Arabs" (sharrat Ariba), once again against the Assyrian power and, once again, as etnonimo.
The Arabs are of Semitic origin and can trace their descent from Ishmael, the son of Older patriarch Abraham came from Hagar, his maidservant [3].
The medieval genealogists Arabs divided the Arabs into two groups: the Arabs of Arabia original South, which descended from Qahtani (identified with the biblical Joktan), and the Arabs "Arabization" (musta ʿ ribah) North of Arabia, descendants of Adnan ʿ , Likely son Ishmael.
The majority of Arabs is the Islamic faith but there are substantial community of Arab Christians in Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt.