Kamis, 04 September 2008


From Mannerism onward there are more and more art movements representing tides of opinion pushing in various different directions, causing art philosophy over the centuries from about the 16th century onward to gradually fragment into the ISMS characteristic of Modern Art.
The work of Caravaggio (1571-1610), stands on its own as one of the most original and influential artists who ever lived. He did something completely new and controversial. He painted figures, even those of classical or religious themes in contemporary clothing or living as ordinary men and women. This in stark opposition to the usual trend of the time to idealise the classical or religious figures. Caravaggio set the style for many years to come, although not everyone followed his example. Some, like Agostino Carracci (or Caracci) (1557 to 1602) and his brothers were all influenced by Caravaggio but leaned toward idealism and the spirituality from which Caravaggio was perceived to have STRAYED.
Caravaggism is the term describing the style and technique adopted by artists such as Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi, Cavalier d'Arpino, Mattia Preti.

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