Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008


The Arabic word is commonly used to refer un'etnia in this close-East (Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman ʿ), in Africa North (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya) and Egypt that is the mother tongue Arabic. In this sense is used when speaking of the Arab world or the majority of States Party to the Arab League, according to this definition, you can say that there are nearly 300 million Arabs in the world.

The term is also used in incorrectly, when referring to any person who is settled in this area, because there are indigenous peoples who do not have the Arabic language as their mother tongue, for example the Maghreb Berbers, the Copts Egypt, the Assyrian Chaldean in Iraq, speaking Aramaic in Syria or Lebanon that will draw upon the existing substrate fenico the invasion and the Arab-Islamic conquest.

The term Arab is also a subject of ideological dispute: Many members of certain ethnic groups whose mother tongue Arabic - as the Christian Maronites, the Copts in Egypt or the Arabic-speaking Jews - reject this definition, preferring a less based on language but on characteristics such as religion restricted or common history and shared.

One last question to the oldest meaning of the term. The root Semitic reference [ʿ-rb] (which probably originated the word Jews) means "move" [1] and then those who originally suggested revising it to a nomadic culture [2]. The Arabs were originally the Bedouin, certified since ancient times more distant in Arabian Peninsula.

Etnonimo to the sense of us already the first proof of literary Arabic term, present in the Assyrian Chronicles, where record participation nell'853 BC Gindibu of Arbaya (Gindib Arabic) to the battle of Qarqar, allied with the ruler of Damascus Aramean Im-hydro (which is mentioned in the Bible as Bar-Hadad) to revolt against the Assyrian king Šalmaneser III. Later, in the century BC, the same Chronicles reminiscent of the insurgency Zabībē, "Queen of the Arabs" (sharrat Ariba), once again against the Assyrian power and, once again, as etnonimo.
The Arabs are of Semitic origin and can trace their descent from Ishmael, the son of Older patriarch Abraham came from Hagar, his maidservant [3].

The medieval genealogists Arabs divided the Arabs into two groups: the Arabs of Arabia original South, which descended from Qahtani (identified with the biblical Joktan), and the Arabs "Arabization" (musta ʿ ribah) North of Arabia, descendants of Adnan ʿ , Likely son Ishmael.

The majority of Arabs is the Islamic faith but there are substantial community of Arab Christians in Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt.

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